[Dev] Unblacklisted Mesa

Luke Shumaker lukeshu at lukeshu.com
Tue Jun 12 19:36:48 GMT 2018

Hi all,

Because Mesa was a point of contention last year, I'm publicly
discussing this here.

I've unblacklisted extra/mesa, and am going to remove libre/mesa.  The
differences are:

 - libre/mesa said "free" instead of "open-source" in pkgdesc
 - libre/mesa removed most everything from /etc/drirc

The reason libre/mesa existed (or continued to exist after 2017-03) is
because: /etc/drirc configures workarounds for specific buggy
applications, and the stock file from upstream is a growing database
of them.  Most of these end up being proprietary applications, since
free applications get patched, rather than needing workarounds in the
graphics driver.

Emulatorman had considered these references to non-free programs to be
significant enough to warrant repackaging it.

I disagree, I don't believe the collection of workarounds in
/etc/drirc to be a freedom problem.  It isn't *trying* to load them
(like Linux might with non-free blobs).  The user won't be confused in
to thinking something is wrong if the non-free thing isn't installed.

Happy hacking,
~ Luke Shumaker

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