[Assist] opensysusers and systemd are in conflict

bill-auger bill-auger at peers.community
Fri Jun 12 01:59:08 GMT 2020

On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 20:45:25 -0400 Megver83 wrote:
> should be: pacstrap /mnt base elogind libelogind eudev
> eudev-libudev udev-init-scripts

"should be" in what sense? - if that is the mandatory
bare-minimum, then that should be the instruction on the install
guide - the install guide has base and elogind now; but in my
experience, only base and libelogind are mandatory, in order to
working system which avoids installing any systemd packages -
elogind is needed when you go to a more complete desktop system

i looked up those packages - elogind will pull in libelogind -
udev-init-scripts will pull in eudev, which will pull in
eudev-libudev - so that command reduces to:

# pacstrap /mnt base elogind udev-init-scripts

On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 20:45:25 -0400 Megver83 wrote:
> To install base-devel, one just have
> to pass --ignore to the systemd pkgs

ok thats good to know - i have been telling people that it was
not possible

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