[Mipsel] presentation, thanks, contribute

mForestier mforestier at free.fr
Fri May 25 18:25:36 GMT 2012


This is my first message on this list, so I introduce myself:
(I'm a french man with a very poor english, my apologize)
I began with Linux in the middle of the 90's , just before 1.0 kernel
version. As distrib I've used Slakware.
For personals reasons, I stopped any computing activities until last year,
when I discovered OpenMoko phone.
After I bought it, to flash it, to develop, ..., I heard about a free (as
freedom) netbook: Lemote Yeeloong.
This is with it I'm writing to you.
I've tested Debian, ok, but too sophisticated for me, gNewSense, ok, but
after more and more difficulties with it, I uninstalled everything to begin
again of zero and I noticed that the installer was crashed.
And because I'm not very happy with gNewSense, Ubuntu-philosophy, I would
like to test ArchLinux-Libre, kiss philosophy!
And for 1 month I'm using Parabola (parabola-mips64el-20120304) I'm very
with it.
I have not used yet testing packages, only base, libre, community and some
compiled software myself, like dfu-util to flash FreeRunner and
xbboot+usbboot for the Ben-NanoNote.
Now, I'm also a FSFE-Fellower (1 week!)
I would so thanks you all for having made ParabolaGnu as it is!
And now I would want to contribute to make it better, known, ...

Looking forward to reading you! ;-) a

FSFE FellowShip #2243         [ ]    | mforestier.free.fr       ,= ,-_-. =.
mforestier(@)fsfe.org      [ ][ ][ ] | mforestier(@)free.fr    ((_/)o o(\_))
blogs.fsfe.org/mforestier     [|]    | identi.ca/mforestier     `-'(. .)`-'
_____________________________________| diaspod.fr/u/mforestier      \_/
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