[Dev] PKGBUILD updated for gmid

bill-auger bill-auger at peers.community
Fri Jul 29 10:27:33 GMT 2022

there are errors in the last PKGBUILD - i fixed them; but i
should explain why

the source array has 8 items; but the sha256sums array has only
7 - makepkg would fail immediately for that reason

notice {,.sig} at the end of the libre source-ball entry


that line actually resolves to two entries (2 files)


the .sig file normally gets a checksum 'SKIP' - you can get the
correct checksums with `makepkg -g`, and copy/paste them into
the PKGBUILD - that would emit the following:


the second problem is that same line - the example filenames
above are not correct - the source-ball that mksource() will
generate, and will be in the other/ directory on the server,
does not have .pkg. in the filename - .pkg. in the filename
would indicate a binary package, which is installable by pacman
that file is not intended to be installed by pacman though -

you can see the actual filename on the web:

that error was present already though - i must have overlooked
that last time

this last bit is not an error - i mentioned on IRC that the
mksource() commands could be simplified with -f, yet would
behave exactly the same as the verbose if/then form

  rm -rf contrib
  rm -rf site

either way, the build would not fail, if those directories were
missing - another approach is to allow it fail, and give a
warning instead, indicating that something has changed and needs
attention - it is somewhat more robust that way - if for example,
the upstream renames contrib/ to Contrib/, then the PKGBUILD
would need to change, or it would silently include the Contrib/
files - or if the contrib/ directory was removed upstream, then
the PKGBUILD would not need to check for it anymore

  if [[ -d contrib ]]
    rm -r contrib
    echo "cannot delete contib/ - mksource() needs re-working"
    return 1
  if [[ -d site ]]
    rm -r site
    echo "cannot delete site/ - mksource() needs re-working"
    return 1

then, that could be DRYed, like:

  nonfree_files=( contrib site )

  for nonfree_file in "${nonfree_files[@]}"
  do if [[ -d ${nonfree_file} ]]
      rm -r ${nonfree_file}
      echo "cannot delete '${nonfree_file}' - mksource() needs re-working"
      return 1

i made that change to the PKGBUILD in absilibre - it is on the
'wip-gmid' branch now

finally, now this is another error - after putting that sanity
check in place, the build fails with:

  cannot delete 'contib' - mksource() needs re-working

the upstream sourceball gmid-1.8.4.tar.gz has no 'contrib' or
'site' directories

i think we both knew that already - its why i recommended rm -rf on IRC

so this is where i should toss it back over the wall to the

what that actually entails in this case, is probably only to
check the files, to verify that the non-free files are no longer
present (maybe they were moved/renamed) - if they are gone, then
mksource() can go away - if they were only moved, then
the 'nonfree_files' array would need to change

i forgot to suggest that - i dont remember if you verified that
the non-free files were really gone, or maybe they are just hiding

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