[Dev] [abslibre] PR #26: remove missed nonfree icons in faenza and faience icon theme

dikasetya prayogi pagure at pagure.io
Fri Oct 8 10:31:11 GMT 2021

dikasp commented on the pull-request: `remove missed nonfree icons in faenza and faience icon theme` that you are following:
> this 'Contributor' should be restored

fixed, accidentaly repasted on top of that, sorry @Jorge

> $ git commit --amend libre/faience-icon-theme/PKGBUILD
> $ git push --force pagure pull-requests
> ```

im trying many method without success so i made revision PR #28 instead.
fatal: unable to access 'https://pagure.io/abslibre.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403

> by "broken", i meant: will any programs crash or look ugly if it tries to use a missing font?

no font or other system asset removed, im just mainly discard nonfree app icon in /usr/share/icons/iconsname/apps/ (the one who would show up in menu/app launcher if the app is installed) since we are FLOSS distro those icons would unlikely be used anyway thus become disk burden and also be a reference for nonfree things)

> are the removed glyphs normal fonts? ie: do you know the unicodes?
> do you know of any programs which may try to display one of the missing glyphs to the user?

im used my revised icons nothing goes wrong so far
if there any themeing project im also like to help :)

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