[Dev] git push access

bill-auger bill-auger at peers.community
Thu Nov 1 03:28:11 GMT 2018

denis -

the "hacker" profile lukeshu setup is very minimal - feel free to add
any details you like to users/1042.yml in
https://git.parabola.nu/hackers.git -
there are many more fields that can be added but i dont remember where
the docs are for that - just look at some of the others

and upload a small photo if you like into the dev-imgs dir then push it
back to git - its a food test run to be sure your SSH key is setup
properly on the servers

Images in `dev-imgs/`:
 - MUST be named `${username}.png`
 - SHOULD be 125x125 px
 - SHOULD be run through pngcrush

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