[Dev] dbscripts plan v2

Luke Shumaker lukeshu at lukeshu.com
Thu Aug 23 03:06:26 GMT 2018

On Wed, 22 Aug 2018 18:41:42 -0400,
Luke Shumaker wrote:
>  1. Adjust users/groups/ownership on winston.parabola.nu
>      a. Create the `repo` group
>         Change: `groupadd --system repo`
> 	Rationale: This is a supporting change to the later bits of step 1.
>         Timeframe: already done, 2018-08-22
>      b. Correct any funny permissions in /srv/repo
>         Change:
>             rm -f -- /srv/repo/main/other/kodi-libre/.kodi-libre-17.6-Krypton.tar.gz

Obviously, I meant ".kodi-libre-17.6-Krypton.tar.gz.9zxQwS".

>             chmod 0644 -- /srv/repo/main/other/kodi-libre/addons/krypton/makesums.sh
>>             usermod --gid=repo repo
>             chgrp -R repo /srv/repo/main
>             find /srv/repo/main -type d -exec chmod 2775 -- {} +

I ended up running this as both 'repo' and 'lukeshu':

    find /srv/repo/main -type d -user $USER -not -perm 2775 -exec chmod -v 02775 -- {} +

I've begun work on db-import-pkg for step 2.

Current status:

  [x] 1. Set up the `repo` group        [eta: 2018-08-23]
  [-] 2. Use db-{move,update,remove}    [eta: ???]
  [ ] 3. Migrate humans off of repo@    [eta: no sooner than 2018-08-29]
  [ ] 4. Migrate robots off of repo@    [eta: no sooner than 2018-09-05]

Happy hacking,
~ Luke Shumaker

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