[Assist] Proposal for a forum

Adonay Felipe Nogueira adfeno at openmailbox.org
Wed Sep 21 19:45:26 BST 2016

Personally, I prefer mailing lists over forums because it causes less
problems with text formatting, because the emails don't need to escape
special HTML characters like "<" and ">".

Also, it's more convenient for me to reply using my email client, and
have my email client sort things related to the mailing list in a folder
(I don't do this personally, but a simple rule of "if coming from
'list', put it here" should do the trick. Email clients support this,
and even webmail clients do, so this isn't a problem, mainly because
some email clients have a friendlier way to configure these rules.

If I'm not mistaken, GNU Mailman (the one which manages most of the
mailing lists related to free/libre software) is able to also do
subscriptions based on subtopics, I just have never seen this feature
being used, but it exists, see:
<http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-member/node29.html>. You
can also conclude that such feature exists by going to your account
configuration and looking for "Which topic categories would you like to
subscribe to?".

Mailing lists can be searched by using Namazu (this has to be
implemented by the list's administrators).

The libreplanet-discuss mailing list has Namazu search:

Actually, I think all the mailing lists at <https://lists.gnu.org/> have
Namazu enabled.

The information page about the libreplanet-discuss mailing list is,
however, found at:

Namazu is free/libre software, see:

Last but not less important, a disadvantage of mailing lists is the
possibility that if a member configures an auto-reply for every e-mail
he receives, then he'll create an endless cycle because he'll receive
his own emails (unless he has configured his mailing list subscription
to not receive its own email messages).
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